Who We Are
“Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man’s survival.”
— Carlos P. Romulo
Our next Boot Camp is: October 17th - 20th, 2024
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We believe . . .
. . . in the One True God, the Sovereign, eternal Creator of all that exists, both seen and unseen. God is eternally existent in three persons, yet in one: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, only, infallible, inerrant, authoritative Word of God.
. . . in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, the salvation of the world through his atoning death and shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return to earth in power and glory.
. . . that God created mankind in His image. The first human beings, Adam and Eve, sinned against God. The result of this sin was that they and all their progeny became separated from God. The original glory and dignity of mankind, as they were created in the image of God, was compromised, as all their progeny, at birth, became subject to the power of sin and the devil. This condition is hopeless and unchangeable by human effort. The only remedy for mankind’s eternal separation from God is redemption through faith in Jesus Christ.
. . . that when a person places their faith in Jesus Christ, they pass immediately out of spiritual death into spiritual life. From the old self into a new, resurrected self. A new heart imparted; no longer separated from God, justified freely by grace and accepted before the Father as His child.
. . . the Holy Spirit lives and unites all believers with the Father and Son, empowering and instructing them to live a godly life.
in the resurrection of all humanity; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
. . . in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our desire is to . . .
. . . Rediscover the hidden treasures of the Gospel
. . . Transform the lives of men and their families
. . . Teach men and women to walk with God
. . . Restore the hearts of men so they can, in turn, rescue others
Jim Abshire
I was living life of conflict and frustration and didn't know why. Life didn't seem to offer what I felt it should, or at least what I wanted. I had resigned to the fact that the only way to make it better, was to just stop trying to fight it. To resign to, whatever I was being told that a "good man" did and did not do. Through Wild at Heart Boot Camps, I began to understand that the frustration and anger I was experiencing was a result of losing in spiritual warfare, a silent war that still wages and most of us don't even know it. Because of the healing and clarity God provided to me on these retreats, I have discovered who I am and who He created me to be. Life still has its difficulties, but my awareness, knowledge and skill set to overcome them have been raised significantly. My family life, friendships, and work life have become more joy filled. And my path, at least for now, is setting men's hearts free. HCMOF retreats can help start you on your path. Please join us for a weekend and at least see what He has for you.
Kent Martin
When I attended my 1st Wild at Heart Bootcamp, I was a Christian, but my spiritual life had become stagnant. I believed in God, I loved Jesus, but I can’t say I was walking with God, my relationship with God was not personal, intimate, or interactive. But the bootcamp experience, and being a member of the Hill Country Men on Fire has begun a trajectory for me toward a more personal, intimate, and interactive, life with God. I am still a work in progress, but my desire is that this trajectory transforms me to a life where I take on each day walking with God, moment by moment, matter by matter, and circumstance by circumstance, and to partner with God and the Hill Country Men on Fire team to lead as many men as possible to walk with God in a more personal, intimate, and interactive relationship.
David Rymer
The best way I can describe my situation for most of my life is confused, in a fog, resigned, with the occasional outburst of anger that left me more confused. I had faith, it just felt as if it had a life of its own. Sometimes there, most times not; praying only when I needed something or when someone was ill. My faith had no depth, no heart and I carried a sense of dread something vital was missing. The men I knew who had “real faith” were joyful, engaged and fully transparent. I WANTED THAT! But I found wanting is not enough. The road to the true man, the man God created each of us to be requires a deeper understanding of the Gospel, an awakening of the heart, an understanding of the larger story and a full understanding of our own story. My faith journey began over 20 years ago, but it did not become fully alive until I attended a boot camp much like the one which we host at Hill Country Men on Fire.
Shawn Hudson
Growing up, I was not raised to attend church of any denomination, but I knew there was a flame in my heart for God. Although that flame tried to spark more, I chose to not listen to what my heart was telling me to do or see what my heart was telling me was all around me. My choices of not listening to my God-given heart took me down paths that I was not meant to be on. I was not the husband, father, brother, and son that my family needed me to be. I hit rock bottom over a decade ago. This caused me to re-evaluate my life. I forced myself out of my comfort zone and began to not be blind or deaf. I began seeing that He was with me all along and that He was telling me to take a different path; a path that would bring me joy. Listening to Him, brought me to the Hill Country Men On Fire. I attended a Boot Camp Live and my world changed! My heart was ON A BLAZING FIRE! I am learning to be the God-filled man that my wife and family needs me to be, the father my children need, the son my mother and father need me to be (Not to mention My Heavenly Father’s Son), the brother my sister needs, it is never ending! I have a new understanding of being blind and deaf, thanks to the HCMOF
Jim Terrian (JT)
I’ve never felt like I was a bad guy or ever had a life full of conflict or overwhelming stories of torment. I was raised in religion. A religion that taught me how a man is supposed to be. I thought if I just go along and fit in with other religious people I was doing the right thing. I never took chances. I was posing as the religious man that everyone wanted me to be. Ever since I attended my first HCMOF retreat, I have taken a fresh look at everything I thought a man of God should be. I found a father in God like I never knew was possible. In Jesus I found what love of others in my life really means. Do I still get lost or have times of doubt? Absolutely! The difference is now I have a way of listening to what God has planned for me. He has given me a story full of new adventures yet to be realized. I’m not just a guy that follows what religion says I should be. I see people in my life differently and with a better understanding of what their story might be. The gift of a true man of God is the willingness to step out of the comfort zone and live each day fully. Meet the doubts as a warrior; head on. Ask for the most incredible dreams to come true. The more I practice a true prayer with God the more I feel his presents in my life. Am I a “MAN ON FIRE”? You bet ya. Come get warmed up with us at the next HCMOF retreat.